From trail days to climbing meetups, board meetings to our annual festival — there are many ways to help out and get to know the Vermont climbing community.

Black Mountain Stewardship Day
Join us on Sunday, October 20th for a Stewardship Day at Black Mountain!
After successfully completing the multi-year process with VT FPR to be named a Recreation Corridor Manager for the Kingdom Heritage Lands, CRAG-VT is beginning work to update the historical ad hoc access trails to Black Mountain.
CRAG received funding for three weeks of youth crews from Northwoods Stewardship Center to work on the trails. The scope of their work is to complete a new access trail (that parallels the current one on drier, more durable tread) from the parking lot to the cliff base. That work is currently being done and will conclude on Friday, October 18th.
Part of our grant funding includes our commitment to mobilize our volunteer base as in-kind matching funds… This means you!
We will work on several smaller projects at the cliff base to re-route trials, add even ground at the base of belays, and address erosion prone areas.
The Stewardship day will run from 10:00-4:00 (starting a bit later than our usual trail day to allow for travel). Once we receive signups, we will connect all volunteers via email to coordinate carpooling from various areas.
Donuts from the Cupboard will be provided (no coffee this time since you’ll probably get it on the way). BYO water, lunch, work gloves, sturdy shoes, appropriate clothing for trail work and weather.
Looking forward to moving some rocks and soil with you!
Let’s climb together! CRAG-VT is again hosting our monthly member meet-ups. These are a great opportunity to get to know other local climbers, find partners, share beta, and try hard together. Member meetups are hosted on a rotating basis between Petra Cliffs, Metro Rock, and when weather permits, our outdoor crags. These gatherings are free and open to any CRAG-VT member. If you’re not a member yet, sign up at the meet up!
Logistics: We’ll have an updated member list at the door (if at a gym); if your membership has lapsed you can update it at the event. We encourage everyone to wear their CRAG VT T-shirt at the meetup so we can find each other!
Thank you to our generous partners Petra Cliffs and Metro Rock Station for hosting these gatherings!
Time: 5:30 – 8:00pm
2024 Dates & Locations
- March 20, 2024 at Petra Cliffs
- April 17, 2024 at Metro Rock
- May 15, 2024 at Bolton Dome (Petra Cliffs if rainy)
- June 12, 2024 at Lower West (Metro Rock if rainy)
- July 17, 2024 at Pineo Brook (Petra Cliffs if rainy)
- August 14, 2024 at Smugglers Notch Boulders (Metro Rock if rainy)
- September – See you at the Vermont Climbing Festival!
- October 16, 2024 at Petra Cliffs
- November 20, 2024 at Metro Rock
- December 18, 2024 at Petra Cliffs
- Metro Rock Station: 320 Sunderland Way, Essex Junction, VT 05452
- Petra Cliffs: 105 Briggs St, Burlington, VT 05401
- Various Climbing Area Locations
Please Note: CRAG-VT meetups are not guided events; climbers should have their own equipment and be proficient with safe climbing practices.
The sixth Annual Vermont Climbing Festival is scheduled for September 27-29th, 2024 at Farr’s Field in Waterbury, Vermont. Join us for a weekend full of clinics, speakers, music, and climbing while getting to know fellow Vermont Climbers. All proceeds benefit CRAG-VT and our work to protect Vermont Climbing Access. Learn more here!

First Tuesday of the Month from 7:00 – 8:30pm.
Monthly CRAG-VT Board Meetings are where we discuss the state of climbing access in Vermont and our current projects; including updates on the new acquisitions, exciting upcoming events, and more.
Currently board meetings are conducted via WebEx. All CRAG-VT members are welcome to join.
February Annual Meeting & Potluck
When: Tuesday, February 4th
Time: 6PM-9PM
What: Potluck, presentation & climbing!
Where: Petra Cliffs
Bring your climbing gear and a dish to share!
Meeting number (access code): 2342 250 8916 Meeting password: mpVVtWhD242 JOIN BY PHONE +1-415-655-0001 US Toll
CRAG-VT has three planning committees: Access; Stewardship; and Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. There are opportunities for non-board members to serve on committees as core volunteers. If you’re interested in participating on one of these committees, fill out our volunteer interest form to be kept in the loop for upcoming opportunities! Committees generally meet at least once per month.